The Vincent Smith School is a co-ed, independent, special education school for grades 1-12, serving Nassau, Suffolk, and New York City students since 1924. We specialize in average to above-average students with attention or learning differences such as Dyslexia, Auditory & Language Processing Disorders, anxiety, school avoidance or AD/HD.
As a New York State Board of Regents registered school, we emphasize academic success while simultaneously providing differentiated instruction, college or vocational prep, and social-emotional support, along with on-site speech, reading, and occupational therapies. We are members of the NY State Association of Independent Schools. Vincent Smith School is a non-profit organization open to all, without regard to race, creed, or national origin.
Our Mission
The Vincent Smith School is dedicated to providing a successful and personalized academic education in a nurturing and supportive setting, for students with various learning disabilities.
At the Vincent Smith School we are committed to the beliefs that:
- "It's Okay to Learn Differently"
- Students with learning disabilities are provided the necessary educational, emotional and social support to reach their highest professional and individual productivity.
Our Vision
Why Us?
Parents come to Vincent Smith School when their children are noticeably struggling or not advancing in their home districts. Many of our parents have attempted to use private, special ed. advocates to fight for related services or accommodations, only to be disappointed when their children continue to suffer and fall behind. These students have great potential to succeed both academically and socially, but are not being given enough of the appropriate tools, resources, or attention they need to succeed.
At Vincent Smith School we emphasize academic excellence combined with personal and social development. Technology, integrative activities, art and music, and interdisciplinary instruction enhance academics. Research-based curriculum development is an ongoing process geared to each students’ unique learning styles and needs. Speech therapists, OG and Wilson-trained reading specialists, counselors, and occupational therapists are permanent staff members offering related services in dedicated classrooms.
We teach differently because every child learns differently.
Vincent Smith School is a community of learners. Students learn how to learn. Our highly-trained and caring faculty and families are actively engaged in our integrated programs and multi-modal curriculum. Our graduates leave Vincent Smith School with the knowledge and tools necessary to confidently meet the challenges of post-secondary transition and beyond. Many of our students transition back to their local public schools or private prep schools, and most of our graduating seniors continue on to college.
Students are taught in very small classes where teachers are able to truly differentiate instruction.
At Vincent Smith we provide:
- Small, supportive classes
- On-site speech, reading, counseling, & occupational therapy in dedicated rooms
- Social-Emotional support
- Strong Home/School Connection
- College & Vocational Counseling
- Over 100 years of educational excellence and experience
The Vincent Smith School is registered by the New York State Board of Regents as an independent, non-profit institution and accredited by the New York State Association of Independent Schools. The Vincent Smith School is open to all without regard to race, creed, or national origin.
Our Expertise
- A personalized, supportive and structured grade 1-12 education for students with language-based learning disorders.
- Academic success combined with personal development. Students learn essential social and emotional skills, in an environment that encourages self-awareness, self-discipline and self-advocacy.
- A highly trained and caring faculty that empowers students to set personal and academic goals that reflect their individual best.
NYSAIS Accreditation
The Vincent Smith School is a member of The New York State Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS). The NYSAIS accreditation signifies that the Vincent Smith School meets the most rigorous standards of excellence in independent school education. It also enables the Vincent Smith School to participate in professional development opportunities for faculty and staff through the extensive roster of NYSAIS conferences and workshops.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Vincent Smith School is committed to promoting issues of equity and inclusion as core principles of our educational philosophy. We strive to create a diverse and supportive environment for students and staff of all faiths, nationalities, orientations, ethnicities, and beliefs.
We commit to educating students and members of the entire school community that diversity and equity benefits everyone. This commitment is rooted in the belief that all members of our community are valued and respected to further the mission of the school.
As a community of learners, we acknowledge a responsibility to be inclusive and fair to all participants and welcoming to all backgrounds and beliefs. We will continue to create and foster a culturally diverse environment that strives to be free of discrimination or disrespect. We see diversity and inclusion as a means to improve and strengthen our students’ academic and social-emotional education.